DMG MORI open house displays innovation
By admin March 11, 2015 10:06 am IST
With order intake of € 177.1 million and 688 products sold – including major orders from the USA (€ +11.7 million), from China (€ +10.4 million) and Japan (€ +4.9 million) – DMG MORI takes positive stock of the in-house exhibition in Pfronten this year (previous year: € 167.6 million). This industry-highlight was held for the 20th time at DECKEL MAHO and is the traditional kick-off for the new financial year.
Between 3rd and 7th February, DMG MORI registered a record number of 8,797 international trade visitors in Pfronten. Out of this, about 59 per cent was contributed by its international customers and potential customers. “Their main interest fell on innovations, trend-setting products and particularly on CELOS,” the company said.
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